I do not think I have heard this angle from any of the pundits either Conservative or Liberal.
But in the event SCOTUS strikes down Obamacare, which I think they should, it could give an unintended boon to the Obama 2012 campaign. Here is the scenario as I see it being played out. Sometime in mid June SCOTUS strikes Obamacare down. That means there are somewhere between 4 and 4.5 months of time between the strike down and the elections. At this time businesses who have holding back on expansion and hiring start to hire because now that Obamacare is struck down, they do not have that hanging over their heads. Combine that with the fact that once summer is over and the school year begins that is really when business gets moving anyway so the 2 positive things combined could mean a boon to the economy possibly even a large pick up in the economy. If that happens then Obama can then campaign that HE turned the economy around but in reality it would be the actions of SCOTUS who brought the economy back. Anyway that is my 2 cents.
'via Blog this'