Friday, November 5, 2010

Here is how we destroy liberalism right now!

We need to strike while the iron is hot!  Here is the situation, we have the House but not the Senate or Presidency.  This means we can do somethings but not anything major. But the jewel of our victory on Nov 2nd is that we now have control of most of the State Legislatures.  Using the State Legislatures we have the opportunity to destroy the pillars of liberalism in our country but we need to start right now, and here is my plan.
According the the Constitution we have two ways to adopt new amendments, up to this point we have only used one method.  That method is for Congress to pass the amendment and then and only then can it go to the States for adoption and if the correct super majority of States agree the amendment is adopted into the Constitution.    This path is not an option for us in our current situation.   There is another path laid out by the Constitution and it comes from the States.

This path is possible for us now, we get the State Legislatures to push for a Convention.   This process limits the discussion of the Convention to what it was called for.   We have the power and we need to use it now. We need to call multiple Conventions discussing in a prioritized order (this is my prioritized list)

  • Require the Federal Government and ALL State Governments to have a Balanced Budget.
  • Using proper lawyer language eliminate ALL entitlements and make sure the Government can not start new entitlements.
  • Define Citizenship in the United States (clear up the anchor baby situation) and prevent all but emergency services be denied anyone who is not a citizen.

I am only one person, I need your help to get this to the Tea Parties across the country and to VIP's like Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman etc.   Get the word out, the time is now and I need your help